5 Tips Every Person with a Period Should Know
Since I was 13 years old, I’ve spent weeks with cramps and mood swings. I also have migraines. I am just plain grumpy. Menstruation is a natural, inevitable process. Many of you will be able to relate. Here are five useful tips that will help you not only cope, but also triumph over the “time of month.”
Menstruation is still stigmatized in our culture. Nearly half of women experience menstruation, but most are reluctant to discuss it openly.
Due to this stigma, there are few resources available to combat the symptoms associated with this biological process. We need to talk about how women will always be dreading “their time of the month”, and encourage them to take action. Who will triumph in this period? ?
Tip # 1: Limit sugar, alcohol, and caffeine
Hormones and emotions fluctuate during the menstrual period. Our appetite. Our thoughts. Our well-being. Limiting sugar, caffeine, and alcohol during your cycle can help promote hormonal balance. Limiting these substances can also help to reduce cramps, as it has been proven that they trigger cramps when menstruating.
Tip #2: Eat whole foods every 3-4 hours
Cortisol spikes can also cause mood swings. Cortisol, an important hormone, works with the brain to regulate mood. Eat every 3-4 hour to avoid mood swings. Eating smaller, more frequent meals and focusing on whole food could help regulate the cortisol level in your body, and therefore help prevent mood swings. You may not feel as if you are bouncing between energy and emotions.
Tip #3: Drink Herbal tea
Drink herbal tea if you experience cramping. Chamomile, ginger and dandelion are some examples. These herbs have been shown to reduce inflammation and pain. If you ever feel yourself getting a cramp, make yourself a cup of herbal tea…mmmm.
Tip #4: Increase iron intake
Every day, around 1mg iron is lost. This represents a large amount of iron (between 6-11% of your body’s requirements). It is important to account for any loss! It is important to eat foods like dark leafy vegetables (spinach), red meat, liver, lentils and fortified food. Combine these foods with vitamin c (oranges and strawberries, for example). Iron absorption is improved by eating these foods!
Tip #5: Magnesium Rich Foods
Magnesium-rich foods can help you fight fatigue. Spinach, pumpkin seeds and almonds are among the foods that contain magnesium. These foods are a great way to combat fatigue that is associated with your later phases of your cycle.
These 5 tips are for you if you or your friend experience symptoms from menstruation that make it difficult to live a “normal” life. They will hopefully help you turn your “time-of-the month” into one that is full of joy and prosperity!
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